Digital Divides intends that the detailed picture we build of digital exclusion in the county will give confidence to funders to invest in projects that seek to close the specific digital divides.

A Steering Group is over-seeing the development of the Digital Divides programme. This group is independently chaired by Baroness Rennie Fritchie and made up of Barnwood Trust (Sally Byng), Glos VCS Alliance (Matt Lennard), Forest Voluntary Action Forum (Chris Brown), Age UK Glos (Rob Fountain) and Glos County Council (Di Billingham). 

A wider Reference Group will inform the programmes as Digital Divides is a social movement for the whole county.

The first phase of Digital Divides has received funding support from Glos County Council and Barnwood Trust. This funding has been used to commission specific research into digital exclusion in Gloucestershire. 

The Steering Group will not control distribution of future funds, but seeks to encourage investment that targets the barriers to inclusion identified.