The Digital Divides Report and Recommendations

This provides an overview of the Digital Divides programme, approach, key findings that emerge from the local evidence and makes eight recommendations for addressing digital exclusion in Gloucestershire.  This report is an invitation to partners across the County to engage with us in considering how we collectively take steps to close the digital divides.


The Evidence-Base for Gloucestershire

1.       Digital Exclusion Risk Mapping:  a report produced by Citizens Online that maps the risks of digital exclusion across Gloucestershire.  This provides neighbourhood level insight into the places and people at highest risk of digital exclusion.

2.       Community Asset Mapping:  a report produced by Candace Plouffe that maps the range of projects, community access and other assets supporting people to get online.  The assets are available to search on an interactive Google map.

3.       What do we know about what works:  a report produced by Dr Richard Cook, University of Gloucestershire, detailing a range of examples of digital inclusion initiatives and research into how digital exclusion can be tackled.

To promote a strategic response to digital exclusion, we have focused on collating a thorough evidence base for the experience, risks and opportunities for the communities of Gloucestershire. We share here in full the output of three commissioned reports, together with our summary analysis and recommendations.